Despite a steady economic growth, just over half of Zambia’s population lives below the international poverty line, surviving on less than US$1.90 a day. Many are dependent on unreliable seasonal farming and the majority of people have not benefitted from the extensive copper industry that is a major part of the country’s economy. In rural areas, there are few  educational opportunities for people to escape this poverty.

Our partners on this shipment are working to improve the lives and welfare of vulnerable people in Zambia’s Chongwe and Lusaka districts, two of the country’s most densely populated areas. The groups they assist most often, children and women, are primarily helped by the establishment of schools and educational programmes that equip students with creative and productive skills such as tailoring and carpentry. In an economy where reliable income is often hard to find, these skills are invaluable in finding stable work, providing the basis for a more secure future.

In this shipment we are sending classroom and office furniture, which will be used to improve current facilities and help establish new centres so that more vulnerable people can be reached. We are also sending  educational supplies, toys, books and more.

Classrooms in our partners’ target schools are often seriously lacking in furniture, equipment and supplies.


“All those who have passed through our centres are economically empowered and depend on no one but themselves for their livelihood. Their children are in schools, and they have become valuable members of our community”.

Since their inception our partners have nurtured more than 400 children through school, supported more than 450 women through skills training, and helped over 170 other young people in acquiring instruction and experience across various fields.

This newly constructed classroom block awaits its first class of students. Goods from this shipment will help bring it to life.


Education is the tool with which these students will break the cycle of poverty that has held back many in rural areas.

Goods from this shipment can help to ensure the positive transformation of many more classrooms.


Within the next five years our partners aim to:

– Help at least 300 children reach grade 12

– Raise living standards in 500 households

– Improve farming practices in 500 households

Within the next ten years our partners aim to:

– Develop 10 more rural centres

– Build a boarding centre for vulnerable children

– Help at least 20 students reach university

– Start an educational farm project


Sponsor a container: We need HK$ 50,000 to send any of our waiting shipments on their way. Email us for a list of projects needing funds: partnerships@crossroads.org.hk

Give goods: We can help your company or group find projects that need your quality superseded goods. Email partnerships@crossroads.org.hk

Volunteer: We need regular volunteers in a huge variety of roles across the work, from manual labor to administration and specific skilled roles. Email volunteer@crossroads.org.hk

Reference No : S4641

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Zambia Snapshot

Population: 16.5 million
Capital: Lusaka

Population below poverty line of $1.90/day: 57%

Despite enjoying relative political stability compared to its neighbours, Zambia is a country facing many social challenges.

Poverty is very widespread particularly in rural areas.  The country is also home to thousands of refugees who have fled civil war and violence in neighbouring countries such as Angola.

Source: UNICEF & World Bank

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